A new school year begins tomorrow…for the students. My school year has already begun.
It began last June, when I started making decisions as to how I would change and adapt for the following year. It encompassed both the finer details, such as unit questions, and also the bigger picture, such as how to better differentiate my lessons for all learners.
It continued throughout the summer, as I spent many hours researching rich tasks that would allow students to apply their learning to the world around them. I revised planners, made new long range documents, and I read about theories, strategies, and best practices.
It further continued throughout the past two weeks, as I began the physical preparations in the building. By Thursday my rooms were ready. I had met with individual teachers and participated in team meetings, and I had prepared my lessons for the first week of school.
By Sunday I was already revising my first day lessons. I came across a great resource through twitter, and quickly decided that I was going to make a lesson switch for one of my classes. I took the original lesson and modified and differentiated it for my students, and I am much happier with the new plan.
So far all of you who are welcoming new students tomorrow, I wish you a great day. If you are anything like me, then it is not a new beginning. Rather it is just the next day in this wonderful world of education.