
Inspiration from the Twitterverse #2

I have bookmarked many things since August 17th…. many, many, things. Here are a few of my favourites from the last few weeks of August:

First, a reminder from @mpershan about Erich Friedman’s wonderful puzzles.

Next, @rmbyrne teaches how you can make shortened url’s that people can actually spell.

@JessicaTilli1 is very excited about Ultimate Tic Tac Toe highlighted in @benorlin’s Math with Bad Drawings. I know the game and have blogged about it before, but I think I need to explore his book!

Dan Finkel talks about his new TED-Ed riddle called “The Superconductor Lab”. How can you not love TED-Ed puzzles?

@TedTalks wants you to go watch some of Hans Roslings Ted Talks. I have seen a few, but I should watch the rest.

@EfrenR creates lab instructions using @ChemixLab diagrams, Google Drive, and Screencastify….with a little help from @JakeMillerTech.


Pip – Mathematics shows the strength of Da Vinci bridges:

Apparently PhET sims works with Google Classroom. Is this new? How did I miss it?

And finally, if you liked music from the 80’s then read Toto’s lyrics for “Africa” as written in the style of Ernest Hemingway. I loved this. Thank you Simon Kuestenmacher.

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