
Bulletin Board Inspiration

Next year I am in a different classroom and have twice the bulletin board space to cover. I have been working on ideas of what to do with all of that space. Today I came across this post on Twitter:


I already maintain a puzzle board in the hallway (see related post) and hope to continue this year, but it is the space inside of my room that needs to be filled. I think I will have three bulletin boards to fill. I am inspired by the picture above and love the idea of creating a bulletin board around WODB. I worry about the upkeep throughout the year, but I plan on enlisting the help of my students. Be sure to check out the WODB website and Twitter feed for problem ideas.

Another bulletin board could be a math word wall. I have seen versions where the teacher creates it and it remains for the year as well as versions where the teacher creates it but it changes with each unit. When researching options I came across this site from the Virginia Department of Education. It contains pre-made math word wall cards for various ages and stages. Another option is to do what a friend of mine does, which is to have the students write the word wall cards as the concepts come up during lessons (sounds more authentic to me!). I previously wrote about a great site for fun bulletin board letters and you can read about that here.

I am still working on ideas for the third interactive board….any suggestions?


Posted by Ilana Cyna, 0 comments