Inspiration from the Twitterverse (clearing the backlog)…February 2021.

On to clearing bookmarks from another month….

@ATM Mathematics tweeted about Algeburble, a collection of pre-algebra tasks. This reminded me about Algebradabra, a collection of algebra tasks which I like. You can read about those tasks here.

Paul Anderson shared some new lessons on conceptual thinking on his blog. If you haven’t checked out his Bozeman Science videos, you can find them here.

Dr. Alec Couros shared a game. Make sure you have some time to waste before clicking….

Phil Rhodes shared more updates of his self-marking Google Sheets.

Jo Morgan added another post to her fabulous Resourceaholic blog. She writes about the wonderful resources that she has come across in her Gems posts, but there are a plethora of resources to be found on her blog. She has also written a great book titled, “A Compendium of Mathematical Methods”.

John Golden shared a version of the Shut the Box game that he created on Geogebra.

Tim Brzezinski tweeted about moveable protractors and rulers for Desmos.

Tick Tock Maths shared a completing the square activity, but be sure to check out the other resources on the blog.

Dan Shuster tweeted about the some of the high school Open Middle problems that he transferred to Google Slides. He shared a link to all of the Open Middle problems he has transferred, thus far.

Jennifer White created a Desmos activity using Jarrett Lerner’s fabulous activity sheets. Go through the thread to find the Desmos link.

DCDSB Math shared their problems of the week. There are some good puzzles and problems they share on their feed if you have some time to scroll through.

Dr. Tom Gernon tweeted about Joshua Tauberer’s Iceberger website where you can draw an iceberg. Then read Vincent Pantaloni’s drawing challenges.

Then there is the great Sarah Carter….so generous…so much to share. Go read her blog. Enough said.

And of course, to end with some science….Interesting Engineering shared a neat video with laminar flow in action and @WeirdPhysics showed the effect of pressure on fluids.

Posted by Ilana Cyna